






待ち合わせ場所に現れたのは、スタイル抜群ラグジュアリー系人妻のななせさん。高級フレンチが似合いそうな見た目ながら、沖縄料理が食べたいとの希望で沖縄居酒屋で乾杯。夫婦の営みは定期的にあるものの、夫が淡泊で子作りにもいまいち煮え切らない様子だという。脚の付け根からアナルまで丁寧に舐め上げながら、いつもはできないねっとりとしたセックスに嬉しそうなななせさん。見惚れるほどの完璧ボディが日々欲求不満に喘いでいるとは、なんと罪深い夫だろうか。淡泊な夫とは違う本能的交尾に「中出して・・・ッ///出してほしい・・・ッ///」と乱れまくり、ねだられるままにたっぷりと無責任中出し。事後の余韻に浸っていると、夫から電話が・・・。女友達と女子会だと信じ切った夫がホテルまでお迎えに。なんだかいつもと違う妻に淡泊な夫が大興奮!?不倫男がクローゼットに隠れているとはつゆ知らず、精子の残るマ●コを突き立てる! / 【2人分の精子が混ざり合う倫理観ゼロの中出しセックス!】不倫男と無責任中出しセックスした直後、何も知らない夫と初めての子作りセックスするとんでもない不貞妻!淡泊な夫とは違う本能的交尾に乱れに乱れイキまくり!興奮冷めやらぬ身体で大好きな夫と2回戦突入!いつもと違う妻の様子に淡泊な夫も今日はなんだか頑張っちゃう!?【ななせ/27歳/結婚4年目】


[Zero ethical creampie sex with two people’s sperm is mixed!] Immediately after having sex with an affair with an affair man, a ridiculous unfaithful wife who has sex with an unknown husband who does not know anything!Iki is disturbed by an instinctual mating that is different from a light husband!Entered the second round with a favorite husband with a body that does not cool down!My husband, who is a different wife, will do his best today!?[Nanase / 27 years old / 4th year of marriage]

At the meeting place was Nanase, a luxury married woman.While it looks like a luxury French, toast at Okinawan izakaya with the desire to eat Okinawan cuisine.Although the couple’s work is regularly, their husband seems to be light and can not boil it.While licking from the base of the legs to the anal carefully, Nanase looks happy with the soggy sex that he can not always do.What a sinful husband that the perfect body that is fascinating is frustrated every day.In an instinctual mating that is different from a light husband, “I want you to put out /// / to put out …If you are immersed in the afterglow, your husband will call.A husband who believed that it was a girls’ association with a female friend picked up to the hotel.Somehow a different husband is very excited!?I don’t know that an affair man is hidden in the closet, and thrusts a sperm that remains!/ [Ethical creampie sex with two people’s sperm mix!] Immediately after having sex with an affair with an affair man, a ridiculous unfaithful wife who has sex with an unknown husband who does not know anything!Iki is disturbed by an instinctual mating that is different from a light husband!Entered the second round with a favorite husband with a body that does not cool down!My husband, who is a different wife, will do his best today!?[Nanase / 27 years old / 4th year of marriage]

[与两个人的精子零道德奶油性爱是混合的!]与一位外遇男人发生性关系后,一个荒谬的不忠实妻子,与一个不知情的丈夫发生性关系,他们什么都不知道!Iki被与丈夫不同的本能交配所打扰!与一个最喜欢的丈夫一起进入第二轮,身体不冷却!我的丈夫是另一个妻子,今天会尽力而为!?[纳米酶 / 27岁 /结婚4年]

在会议场所是豪华已婚妇女Nanase。虽然它看起来像是豪华的法国人,但在冲绳伊扎卡亚(Izakaya)吐司烤面包,渴望吃冲绳美食。尽管这对夫妻的工作经常是,但他们的丈夫似乎很轻,不能煮沸。当小心地从腿部舔到肛门时,纳米酶对他不能总是做的潮湿性爱感到满意。一个令人着迷的完美身体的罪恶丈夫每天都会感到沮丧。在本能的交配中与丈夫不同,“我想让你推出/// /推出…如果您沉浸在余辉中,您的丈夫会打电话。一位丈夫认为这是与一位女性朋友一起去酒店的女性协会。不知何故,另一个丈夫非常兴奋!?我不知道一个外遇的人隐藏在壁橱里,并推动剩下的精子!/ [与两个人的精子混合在一起的道德Creampie性爱!]与一位外遇男人发生性关系后,一个荒谬的不忠实妻子,与一个不知情的丈夫发生性关系,他们什么都不知道!Iki被与丈夫不同的本能交配所打扰!与一个最喜欢的丈夫一起进入第二轮,身体不冷却!我的丈夫是另一个妻子,今天会尽力而为!?[纳米酶 / 27岁 /结婚4年]
