




ジャンル: キャンギャル ローアングル・逆さ撮り









な、なんと(←香川、岡山+埼玉県周縁人限定  )元“瀬戸内海放送”“スーパーJチャンネル”ローカル版キャスター、現テレビ埼玉の早川茉希(まき)ちゃんに、こんな映像が残されていました。
退社時には、番組内で異例の扱いともいえる――デビューからのイメージ映像とともに送り出された元ミス横浜国立大の清楚ちゃん・早川茉希アナの学生時代の幻のお姿。“来訪者”さんも、なぜか気になったようで、おヘソのアップ(へそピアス付き)  etc. 執拗に接近撮。


•茉希ちゃん(←チラはありませぬ。お宝はナマ腹です  )の出場した“東京ゲームショウ2008”……HP初登場作。▼チラちゃん≒2ポイントetc.(36分)





[Reduction] 4886 / “Foensure shooting / Kan -chan -chan private home board collection (36) -Maki Hayakawa joined"

4886 / “Failure, Can -chan -chan private board collection (36) -Maki Hayakawa Entered" [Friendly voyeur visitor No.51]


The phantom video of Maki Hayakawa (Motoso Inland Sea Broadcast)


======================================================== was

It has almost the same image quality as [DVD]

======================================================== was

Retoser series.From “Tokyo Game Show 2008" + “2009 Motorcycle Show".

What a (← Kagawa, Okayama + Saitama Prefecture, Saitama Prefectural Family Limited) A video remained in the former “Seto Inland Sea Broadcasting” and “Super J Channel” local casters, Maki Hayakawa (Maki) of the current TV Saitama.。
At the time of leaving the company, it can be said that it is an unusual treatment in the program."Visitors" seemed to be worried for some reason, and they were relentlessly approached by uploading the navel (with navel piercing).

(After Maki -chan, who was a caster, left, he was sorry to see the remaining Kimito Taga Ana was a sorry to see. During the actual performance, his eyes were imaginary, “Once upon a time.It was good, “wandered up, and the fathers of the viewers and the new casters were soothing, and they were frozen in Zero, who lost Maki -chan.By the way, I would like to devote this video to such a Kimono Taga (with love from me).

• “Tokyo Game Show 2008” who participated in Maki -chan (← there is no chiller.▼ Chira -chan ≒ 2 points etc. (36 minutes)
• “2009 Motor Cycle Show” …… ▼ ▼ Chira -chan ≒ 4 points etc. (68 minutes)

/ 3500 yen (104 minutes)
* This work will be delivered with a completely digital specification of digital original board →.

● Notes on products

* Secondary use is prohibited, such as reproduction of videos and images, resale, and publication.
* The video is an edited one that is allowed to shoot.
* Nude, no entanglement.
* There is no mosaic on the actual subject.
* Please do not ask the duplication of the noise caused by the original board, the disturbance of images and audio, or the duplication of the scene due to editing mistakes.

[减少] 4886 /“伪造射击 / kan -chan -chan -chan私人董事会收藏(36)-Maki Hayakawa加入”

4886 /“失败,CAN -CHAN -CHAN私人董事会收藏(36)-Maki Hayakawa进入”


Maki Hayakawa的幻影视频(Motoso Inland Sea Broadcast)


=============================================== ======是


=============================================== ======是

retoser系列。来自“东京游戏节目2008” +“ 2009摩托车表演”。

什么(←Kagawa,冈山 + Saitama县,Saitama县家庭有限公司)在前“ Seto Inland Sea Broadcasting”和“ Super J Channel”本地赌场中保留了一段视频,目前的电视台Maki Hayakawa(Maki)

(在施法者的Maki -Chan离开后,他很遗憾看到剩下的Kimito Taga Ana很遗憾地看到。在实际的表演中,他的眼睛是虚构的,“从前。这很好。徘徊,观众和新的脚轮的父亲舒缓了,他们被冻结在零,他们失去了马基 – chan,我想将此视频投入到这样的和服taga上(带着我的爱)。

•参加Maki -Chan的“东京游戏表演”(Tokyo Game Show 2008”(←没有冷却器。▼chira -chan≒2分等(36分钟)
•“ 2009年摩托车展”…………▼▼chira -chan -chan≒4分等(68分钟)

/ 3500日元(104分钟)



