色遊び バスルームと肌色パンティー
昔のぶりっ子の喋り方・・・といえば昭和世代はピンとくるだろうか、あれがリアルに聞けます!結構遊んでいたようでエッチも手馴れているし積極的。混浴エッチではフェラしながらも跨ったバスタブのフチに腰を擦り付けたり、自分から腰を上げてチンポをおねだりしたりと積極的なのも良し。感度も高めで声も色気があってエロい・・・男受けのいいセックスを分かってる感じだ。当時のモテ女ってこんな感じだったという記憶とともに楽しみたい。 / 色遊び バスルームと肌色パンティー
Color play bathroom and flesh-tone panties
Speaking of the way the old-fashioned boys spoke…I guess the Showa generation will really understand what they’re talking about, but you can hear that in real life!He seems to have played with him quite a bit, and he is also used to having sex and is proactive.During mixed bathing sex, you can also be proactive, such as rubbing your hips against the edge of the bathtub you straddle, or lifting your hips and begging for a dick while giving a blowjob.She is very sensitive, has a sexy voice and is sexy…it feels like she knows how to have sex that is popular with men.I want to enjoy it with the memories of how popular women at the time were like this./ Color play Bathroom and flesh-tone panties