






ジャンル: キャンギャル ローアングル・逆さ撮り








「ハロー! 私アヤシイ奴ジャアリマセン、安心シテ写サレテ下サイ」“来訪者”さんの怪しいインタビューは、今日も今日とて。というわけで……。


と記せば簡単、いかにもおとなしそうな作にも見えますが、前巻の黒&オレンジミニなお二人ちゃんが、こちらでは、上から下から四方から大活躍――いや、活躍したのは作者のカメラのほうでありますが――「見て見ぬふり」とはこれか、しかも、キャンちゃんなら誰にでも出来るというレベルを通り越し、なんと、延々25分間に亙(わた)る「見て見ぬふり」  の大サービス。こうなりゃほとんど観音様並みの慈愛で、チラモロ・オンパレード。





4875/"Fake Photography – Quin-chan’s Private Collection (19)"

4875/"Fake Photography – Quin-chan Private Collection (19)" [Friendly Visitor Series No. 48]


The image quality is roughly the same as the DVD


The second half of the series from “D-1 Grand Prix 2015" (of course, it’s the first work to appear on the website) (it hasn’t even appeared in both the “Strategy" and “Adventure" series).

•4825 “Fake Photography – Quin-chan’s Private Collection (16)"

The sequel to the final episode.

“Hello! I’m not sure if you’re a sissy person, so I’m safe and secure," I’ve heard a suspicious interview with the “visitor" today.So…

▼Chila-chan≒3 points etc.

It may seem like a simple and quiet work, but the black and orange mini two people in the previous volume are very active from all sides from top to bottom – no, it was the author’s camera that was active – is this what “no-shot" means, and what’s more, it’s a great service that goes beyond what anyone can do with Can-chan, and is a huge service that lasts for 25 minutes, which goes beyond what anyone can do.In this way, it was almost as compassionate as Kannon’s, and it was a parade.

/3,500 yen (50 minutes)
*This film is a high definition film.

●Notes regarding products

*Secondary use such as reprinting, resale, or publicizing videos and images is prohibited.
*The video is edited from the ones that are allowed to be filmed.
*Nude or entanglement.
*The actual subject is not mosaiced.
*Please do not accept any noise caused by the original, image and sound disorder, or duplicate scenes due to editing errors.

4875/“假摄影-Quin -Chan的私人收藏(19)”

4875/“假摄影-Quin -chan私人收藏(19)” [友好访客系列第48号]




该系列的下半场是“ D-1 Grand Prix 2015”(当然,这是在网站上出现的第一部作品(甚至都没有出现在“策略”和“ Adventure”系列中)。

•4825“假摄影-Quin -Chan的私人收藏(16)”




这似乎是一项简单而安静的作品,但是上一卷中的两个人在从上到下都非常活跃 – 不,这是作者的相机活跃 – 这是“无射击”的含义,而且,这是一项伟大的服务,超出了任何人可以与Can -Chan一起做的巨大服务,并且是一项持续25分钟的巨大服务,超出了任何人的效果。这样,它几乎和坎农一样富有同情心,这是一次游行。




